
Showing posts from November, 2018
Group 27 Day 1: We just created our blog and we're going to record everything on it. We are currently finishing up our student handouts at the moment and conducting research on our topic, pressure/stress Day 2: Today we are working on the student handout after we distributed the work evenly.  We are conducting more research on our topic and getting some ideas on how to set up our experiment. Day 3: We worked on the student handouts and we conducted more research on our topic.  We also created a rough idea of how we should conduct our experiment Day 4: We talked about how we should run the experiment and we came to an agreement so we know exactly how we should run our experiment. We're going to create a quick trivia quiz that consists of 10 questions that our participants are going to have to answer in under a minute.  We will put pressure on them in different ways. Day 5: We brought in a posterboard for psych fair and we made some minor changes to our experiment.  One

Group 26, The Magical Mystery Box, Graf

To start off our process on how my group and I led up to completing our experiment consisted of 15 days. As Mr.V explained the process on how as a group we would first chose what experiment we wanted to do, second he explained how there would be student handouts given each day. These handouts purpose was to break down what needed to be done throughout the course of our project, there were 23 student handouts in total also including this blog and final paper This experiment is the study of how your vestibular and kinesthetic sense works along with your peripheral vision. It also shows how your peripheral vision will take an effect onto the vestibular sense. Our moving box also referred to as the Magical Mystery box examines how ones kinesthetic and vestibular senses affect someone's balance. Day 1:  Day one of the process for psych fair consisted of being assigned one experiment that we chose, our experiment was the box. Mr.V gave the first 5 student handouts,

Group 52- Smell And Tell

Day 1: Monday, November 11th, 2018 Today, we are splitting up the work to organize how we will proceed with this experiment Day 2: Tuesday, November 12th, 2018 Today, my group and I are trying to divide our 4 different documents so that we can each do an equal amount of work: Choosing a Topic, Background Research, Creating an Hypothesis, and Identifying Variables. We chose a topic in which we decided to test the strength of ones ability to scent by making them detect different smells from food. Day 3: Wednesday, November 13th, 2018 My group and I are very stressed about finding research for our project. Not a lot of studies are shown to test out the experiment of the ability to smell. There were such little studies that we found similar articles to each one and pull out small details that would help develop our experiment. We came up with a hypothesis: If a scent is given to an individual, then it is most likely a female rather than a male to identify the smell correct due to t

Group 5a

In our experiment, we are studying how the brain changes words automatically even if the inside letters are jumbled. In our experiment, we keep the first and last letter the same of the word we want to have but we switch or jumble the letters in between. Since we don't pronounce every single letter our brains automatically change it into the word we want. Today we have started forms 11,12,13 and currently working on 14. Today we are finishing up more such as hypothesis, materials needed, and what are our variables in our experiment. On November 16, we all contributed to working on Google forms 18,19 20. The rough draft was written and we know how we want our booth. On November 19, We started working on our poster for our visual during our fair we looked up what we needed to out on board and looked up pictures. We also started our slideshow that we are going to have the volunteers read and see their accuracy and how fast they can read the slides compared to normal. We have a surv

How brand names affect consumers- Johnson, Cook, Kovac, Ciesla

How brand name affect consumers This experiment is testing how the brand name of products affect the consumers. Does the name justify the taste of the product or is the consumer simply brain washed by the logo? How does this experiment work? The participants of this experience will have the choice of an off brand idem and real brand idem, they will eat the idem thinking they are consuming one, but they will actually be tasting the other. After, they have the first choice of which one they would like we will allow them to have the other as well. Then we will ask them which one they like better. If they pick the branded idem they will actually be consuming the off branded one. This will tell us that they are picking it for the name. Day to day summaries 11/12: My group and I found studies that did the same experiment as us and analyzed their data and how it relates. We also worked together to create an thesis for our project. We created cause and effect questions that co

Battle of Sexes: Memory Edition -Group 21

Kaitlyn Yi Group 21: Which gender has greater short-term memory? 11.12.18  Our group focused on the basic elements of our experiment: hypothesis, variables and control, and possible methods of research/experimentation.  Hypothesis : Women have greater short-term memory than men.  Variables&Controls : a. independent : the gender of the participants b. dependent : the short-term memory/recall score c. confounding variables : amount of sleep participants received, the amount of nutrients participants received that day (eating breakfast/lunch/snack prior to experiment), socioeconomic and sociocultural traits of participants, how often the participants go to the grocery store. d. control variables : t ime to memorize, time between memorization and giving answers, time to give answers, what the participants are being asked to memorize (grocery list) e. control group : the group that will not be receiving a distractor task Method : We will be discussing the

Welcome to flavortown- Group 22

Group 22- How is taste affected by perception? 11/14/18 Day 1: Today we discussed the materials needed for our experiments. We decided to use dixie cups, and we will have to buy 1200 dixie cups to cover a majority of the students. In order to change the color of the drink, we will need yellow, green, and blue food dye. We started working on SH 18, which is our rough draft, and SH 20, our materials list. Group 22- How is taste affected by perception? 11/15/18 Day 2: We finalized our rough draft today (SH 18), so as two group members worked on the rough draft, the other two worked on finishing our materials request (SH 19) and list (SH 20). The hardest challenge we faced today was creating a name for our experiment that would encompass how our taste is affected by perception. After coming up with multiple names, we decided on welcome to flavortown. Attached below is our rough draft which outlines the specifics of our experiment.  Group 22 Rough Draft Group 22- How is taste 


PSYCHOLOGY FAIR Group: 16 Writer: Ella McDevitt 12 NOVEMBER 2018      Today, Group 16 worked to determine and finalize an idea for our experiment at the Psychology Fair. While we originally planned to focus on "logic," we soon discovered that the experiments we brainstormed were neither efficient nor feasible. Switching our topic to "aut omaticity," we decided to test the Stroop Effect, a simple and clever way in which to demonstrate  that once acquired through extensive practice, mental skills such as reading are automatic.       We next began to work on Student Handouts 11-15, in which we researched background information regarding automaticity, determined a hypothesis, and identified the variables in our experiment. 13 NOVEMBER 2018      First, we finished and submitted the Student Handouts 11-15 that we began yesterda y. The Stoop Effect tests t he theory of a utomaticity, which proposes that automatic reading doesn't require focused attention.

Misdirection- Arakelian, Harris, O'Reilly, Barnett

November 12th: So far, we have gotten through a good amount of the student handouts. We have been figuring out all the little aspects of our project. Our experiment is meant to result in unintentional blindness. We will have one subject who will be playing spoons with us. We'll ask another person to step in the booth (which will be sectioned off as others cannot see it or it will ruin it) to be an observer. We want to compare how they notice the changes versus how the subject does not, they will be told not to say anything until the end of the experiment. 3 of us will introduce ourselves with one under the table and 2 will start to play spoons with the subject. One (Ally) will drop her card and another person (Hailey) will take her place from under the table all in the middle of a round. Another person (Gianna) will be switching background elements in the booth, such as switching mugs on the table, unveiling a whiteboard, and possibly changing her shirt. Gianna will be standing in

Apple Optical Illusion-Kenney,Dvorak,Antoin,Fergus-Group 38

Day 1-November 12: Our experiment is The Apple Optical Illusion which is various different pictures of an apple core with the bite marks showing an illusion of a face on each side. We want to see if there are more people who can see the faces in the apple core than ones who can't based on their age/gender. We then began on our first student handout and which consisted of thesis, questions, variables. Day 2: We completed our division of labor Destiny completed SH 11 and 13 Brianna completed SH 12, Bryanna completed SH 14 and Emily completed SH 15. We then began discussing ideas on how to organize our project and we decided to use a poster board to display our statistics. Day 3: We further talked about our experiment and came up with ideas on how to set up our experiment and which photos to use. We talked about how to record our data and how to present our photos.  Then we all as a group discussed and worked on SH 16. After finishing SH 16 we started on SH 17 and SH 18. Day 4:

Group 53

11/12/18 Today in class, we worked on fully understanding our experiment & figuring out how we will run it. In summary, our experiment tests whether or not personal preference affects choices one makes. We are planning on testing that using M&M's. We are going to have each person pick as many M&M's as they can in a certain amount of time, & then we are going to ask their favorite M&M color. After counting how many of that color was picked, we will be able to see if their favorite M&M color had an impact on which M&M's they choose, & then will be able to tell if preferences bias our choices. 11/13/18 Today, we worked on our student handouts - picking a hypothesis, & beginning our research. At first, we found it hard to find other psychology studies to base our research on. But after looking deeper into the topics, we found studies that are not closely related to our planned experiment, but have different aspects that are related. We

Group 48

Day 1 - Working on student handouts and submitting them by 11:59 tonight. We completed handout 16 and 17 in class together. Finished handout 13. Day 2 - Working on student handouts 19 and 20 as a group. Day 3 - Worked on student handout 18. After completing this we worked on annotations. Day 4 - We disguised the layout of our poster and started working on the creation of our surveys. Day 5 -Reviewed the layout and design that we want on it. Will create the poster over break.

Group 46

Day 1 My groups' experiment is seeing if there is any direct correlation between the personality and traits of individuals that see 1 image first in a figure ground illusion. On our first day we did all of our student handout sheets. These sheets had our division of labor, hypothesis, study research, and experimental designs on them. Day 2 My group worked on our project outline and went through the different research papers we found on our topic so we could get an idea of what to do with our experiment. Day 3 My group finished all our student handouts and started discussing what questions we are going to ask people on our survey. We then decided on 10 questions we are going to ask people such as age, gender, and favorite type of music. Day 4 We started figuring out what we are going to write up on our poster and what images we are going to use. We started to brainstorm a summary of our experiment to put on our poster and making our survey form. Day 5  We