How brand names affect consumers- Johnson, Cook, Kovac, Ciesla

How brand name affect consumers

This experiment is testing how the brand name of products affect the consumers. Does the name justify the taste of the product or is the consumer simply brain washed by the logo?

How does this experiment work?

The participants of this experience will have the choice of an off brand idem and real brand idem, they will eat the idem thinking they are consuming one, but they will actually be tasting the other. After, they have the first choice of which one they would like we will allow them to have the other as well. Then we will ask them which one they like better. If they pick the branded idem they will actually be consuming the off branded one. This will tell us that they are picking it for the name.

Day to day summaries

11/12: My group and I found studies that did the same experiment as us and analyzed their data and how it relates. We also worked together to create an thesis for our project. We created cause and effect questions that correspond with our study.

11/13: We worked together to complete the worksheets for today, we had to organize and determine the progress of our group. We also had to determine our lab name and hypothesis that will be presented at our booth on the day of the psych fair.  The items that we need for our experiment was also listed in one of our worksheets in order to help us prepare for the day. It is hard to keep up with all the worksheets everyday, this made me frustrated because since the ones from yesterday were not complete all the way, there was twice as much work today. Some of the worksheets are very difficult and requires a lot of time and research. I think it's very difficult to complete these everyday on top of other classes and other activities we have after school.

11/14: Today we worked on finishing the rest of our worksheets, we all worked on completing the worksheet 18 because it was the most difficult. We were all able to pitch in and help complete it before the period ended. Working together helps a lot when it comes to group projects. We also figured out what food product we are going to use as well as the other materials we will need. Today was a good day because we were able to complete the rest of our worksheets that are due Friday, we no longer have to worry about them.

11/15: Today my group and I went over our complete plan for the day of the fair. We also double checked our worksheets to make sure we had everything completed. We had some free time today because we fished most of it yesterday. We are really excited for the day of the fair because everything is coming together.
11/16: Today my group and I had a free day for the most part because we worked really hard to previous days. Carlee handed in all the worksheets for our group today as well (16,17,18,19,20). Looking back on all the work we had to do in order to complete the worksheets I think we did have enough time to get them all done. I was stressing earlier in the week because I thought they would take way longer than they did, but I was wrong. I also was able to upload a video of my group working hard.

11/19: We all worked on the handout that we are going to have at our booth, Madison helped draw out the setup of our poster in order to help us prepare for when we bring our poster into class. We had to put information on our handout and poster that provide the consumer a clear idea of what our experiment is testing.

Links to handed in worksheets


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