Group 52- Smell And Tell

Day 1: Monday, November 11th, 2018
Today, we are splitting up the work to organize how we will proceed with this experiment

Day 2: Tuesday, November 12th, 2018
Today, my group and I are trying to divide our 4 different documents so that we can each do an equal amount of work: Choosing a Topic, Background Research, Creating an Hypothesis, and Identifying Variables. We chose a topic in which we decided to test the strength of ones ability to scent by making them detect different smells from food.

Day 3: Wednesday, November 13th, 2018
My group and I are very stressed about finding research for our project. Not a lot of studies are shown to test out the experiment of the ability to smell. There were such little studies that we found similar articles to each one and pull out small details that would help develop our experiment. We came up with a hypothesis: If a scent is given to an individual, then it is most likely a female rather than a male to identify the smell correct due to the amount of olfactory cells they have in their brain.

Day 4: Thursday, November 14th, 2018
We have 2 documents due tonight so we've decided to even divide the questions up in order to complete them on time. We had to establish our research activity procedure and fill out questions that were fairly easy about describing our experiment will be handled and how.

Day 5: Friday, November 15th, 2018
My group and I have to fill out 3 different documents by tonight: Rough Draft, Student Work Request, and Materials List. When writing the rough draft out we had all come up with a clever title for our booth ´Smell And Tell´. The Student Work Request offered us access to any electrical outlets. We needed this in order to allow our Chromebooks to stay charged while our participants complete our survey that will soon be created.
For our materials list we decided that we needed to bring:
-brown sugar
-a blindfold

Day 6: Monday, November 18th, 2018
My group and I are sitting together planning out about how many students we plan to get to test our experiment. We hope to receive 100 participants during the psych fair day. Our experiment should take a minute or two for each individual so it makes sense due to timing.

Day 7: Tuesday, November 20th, 2018
Today, one member from my group has purchased a poster board. We are taking a look at the Poster Board product descriptor that our AP psychology teacher has posted on Canvas. To design the poster board we thought it would be best to print out our information and stick it on the board along with other creative visuals. We will continue to work on this Poster Board throughout our long Thanksgiving Break.

Day 8: Tuesday, November 27th, 2018
Yes it has been 1 week since I had last spoken about any sort of updates on our experiment. Today was supposed to be the day of our Psych Fair, however due to a snow day we had to push it back.My group and I had finished our Poster Board over the weekend and so now we are just relaxing and talking about how Parent Night for Psych Fair will go. The night before Pysch Fair welcomes parents of the students to test out experiments of others. Two of my members will stay after to school to set up for the experiment we have planned for them. We hope that our experiment goes as planned and that they are no problems.

Day 9: Wednesday, November 28th, 2018
It has finally come to the day. Setting up our table was pretty easy. We had all of our foods laid out behind out poster so that no one could see the food that they were going to try to guess and smell. Many of our friends had come to check out our experiment and thought that it was absolutely fun! It was funny seeing participant guess the scent that they were smelling. A lot of people enjoyed themselves and were very surprised to see that it was a challenge for them to identify some foods. By the end of the day we had 77 participants. 54 percent were girls and the remaining 46 percent were guys. We were glad to see the amount of people that had come to test out our hypothesis and we are happy to tell you that it was very true based on our results. If a scent is given to an individual, then it is most likely a female rather than a male to identify the smell correct.


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