Group 5a

In our experiment, we are studying how the brain changes words automatically even if the inside letters are jumbled. In our experiment, we keep the first and last letter the same of the word we want to have but we switch or jumble the letters in between. Since we don't pronounce every single letter our brains automatically change it into the word we want. Today we have started forms 11,12,13 and currently working on 14.
Today we are finishing up more such as hypothesis, materials needed, and what are our variables in our experiment.
On November 16, we all contributed to working on Google forms 18,19 20. The rough draft was written and we know how we want our booth.
On November 19, We started working on our poster for our visual during our fair we looked up what we needed to out on board and looked up pictures. We also started our slideshow that we are going to have the volunteers read and see their accuracy and how fast they can read the slides compared to normal. We have a survey at the end to ask the participants how well they think they did during our experiment.
On November 18, we are continuing to find things for our poster board fun interactive activities they can do at our booth as well and edit our rough draft before the day we have to present at the psych fair.
Monday before the parent night we finished are poster board for the psychology fair, but since it was delayed a day due to the snow, my group was unable to make parent night to school activities.
The day of psychology fair, we were upstairs, which I believe we didn't have as many participants as we would have liked. It was also on a Wednesday so it was a late start which has shorten periods as well. During the fair,  it was quite busy with people trying to get through the way to the subjects constantly kept getting interrupted by other surroundings, the fact our experiment was timed and they were distracted by their surroundings may have through them off guard or completely get their attention rather than focusing on our experiment. Otherwise, our experiment was quite a success and worked, they were to read the jumbled letter just as they normally would have because the first and last letters are correct.
It is our last days after the fair, and now we are just finishing our rough drafts.


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