Group 26, The Magical Mystery Box, Graf

To start off our process on how my group and I led up to completing our experiment consisted of
15 days. As Mr.V explained the process on how as a group we would first chose what experiment
we wanted to do, second he explained how there would be student handouts given each day.
These handouts purpose was to break down what needed to be done throughout the course of
our project, there were 23 student handouts in total also including this blog and final paper This experiment is the study of how your vestibular and kinesthetic sense works along with your peripheral vision. It also shows how your peripheral vision will take an effect onto the vestibular sense. Our moving box also referred to as the Magical Mystery box examines how ones kinesthetic and vestibular senses affect someone's balance.

Day 1: Day one of the process for psych fair consisted of being assigned one experiment that we chose, our experiment was the box. Mr.V gave the first 5 student handouts, student handout number 11 was assigning each person a role to what they would be responsible of for the experiment.

Day 2:Student handout number 12 was based off of four brief questions to get us to understand our experiment a bit better.

Day 3: Student handout number 13 consisted of finding at least 3-5 experiments that have been done, these other experiments could be either similar to ours or involve the same aspects that our experiment carried.

Day 4:Student handout number 14 was developing a hypothesis, consisted of first listing relationships that contributed to our topic, second was creating  cause and effect questions on the relationships we chose, and third was creating a final statement. The final statement would be what we would test on the day of Psych fair, our final statement was taking away a person’s peripheral vision, will take effect on a person’s vestibular sense.

Day 5:Student handout 15 was based off of identifying dependent,independent,constant variables and if there was a control group what would it be.

Day 6: Student handout 16 was designed to provide our group with a procedure for the fair. It gave us details that we had to pinpoint for factors for us to focus on. It forced us to figure out how and what we will be doing with each person testing.

Day 7: On day 7, we filled out a survey. The survey was a checklist that was made to give groups something to base our projects off of and to have reassurance that we are on the right track and up to date with our work.

Google Forms <>

Day 8: On day 8, we filled formed a rough draft for our final paper. The rough draft dials down onto our purpose of the project, the people who have done studies to bring our experiment to the surface, and provided details about our activity. For the rough draft we got into detail about our hypothesis and cited our work.

Day 9: Student handout 19 was filled out to help prepare Mr. V. for helping our group set up in the PAC. We gave him notice if we needed any electrical outlets, if we needed any papers or photos printed, and if we needed to provide any equipment. We also wrote down our hypothesis and experiment name in order for him to determine projects.

Day 10:  On day 10, we worked on we came up with a list of tools we need for our experiment. Even if it was not a tool, we wrote down things such as ¨google forms¨ or ¨background research¨. We provided any source we used for our experiment.

Days 11 and 12: On days 11 and 12, we created a poster board to keep on our table. The poster board is made for anybody that does not know about our experiment. It gave background information, and also provided the viewers information about similar experiments and studies that have been done to test a persons peripheral vision and senses.

Day 13: On day 13, we figured out our way of collecting data.  Mr. V. gave us information on how to do graphs and all types of statistics. Our group decided to do a survey, which asked questions such as ¨did you balance¨  and differed the results by separating each gender and age differences.

Day 14: Day 14 was parent night. Our parents were the first people to test our experiment. Parents night purpose was for two things, for our parents to view what we have been working on the past couple weeks and to for us to make sure our test runs smoothly. Parent night was a day for us to create any last minute changes and fix any errors before our final day. We originally had a piece of paper that was used to create a tally chart for our information but then we decided to create a survey, with intentions of making our process run faster, easier, and making a way for us to collect a variety of data.

Day 15: Day 15 was the day of the fair! The day of the fair went very smooth. Each person in our group wore our psychology shirts and were prepared for a fun day of experimenting. We started off with a busy day and it gradually slowed down. Throughout the day we had a total of 238 participants for our experiment. 38.2% was our majority percentage for age, which was the age of 17 years old. 57.8% of our participants were females and overall 71.4% of participants fell. In other words, 170 students fell and 68 students balanced for our experiment. In conclusion, it seemed that everybody found our experiment very interesting and we had a great amount of people watching it, even if they were not participating.

Group thoughts: Our group all enjoyed our project. The only negative factor was all of the work we had to do but we did not complain. All around we all enjoyed the project and had fun performing it. Each person worked hard and put forth effort to make things run smooth. We all also enjoyed watching everybody's reaction to falling and appreciated the interest people gave us. All around this project was a great experience and was worth the time we put into it. It was a great thing to work on for our senior year.


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